The Darkroom now offers high resolution superscans!

SuperScan-PromoWe now offer three different scan resolution options; Standard, Enhanced and Super.

Our new superscan is perfect for those wanting professional resolution or to never worry if you have enough resolution for current and future projects.

Works great for advertising, giant prints and large posters.

Download superscan sample

Open in an application like Photoshop to view full resolution image.  Sample is Medium Format 6×7 Scan. 

Scan Sizes
35mm Film – 4492×6774 pixels – 87.1 mb
Medium Format 645 – 3533×4824 pixels – 48.8 mb
Medium Format 6×6 –  4760×4760 pixels – 64.8 mb
Medium Format 6×7 – 4815×5902 pixels – 81.3 mb

» Learn more

» Try our superscans with your next roll of film.

Develop your film and experience our high resolution scans.

Photo: Jennifer Harvey