Double Exposure Contest Winners

The Darkroom’s August “Double Exposure” themed contest is now complete and we have the winner and honorable mentions.

You can see all the submission on our Facebook gallery. Thanks to all who participated  and congratulations to Francis Cardinal for his photo. See his photo below and our Honorable Mention picks. There was a lot of great submissions, so we have a large list of Honorable Mentions this month. The Winnter, Francis will receive a La Sardina Fishers Fritze camera with flash for this winning submission;


Francis Cardinal
Picture taken on the southern coast of Ghana, West Africa.

– Camera: Nikon f90x
– Film: Boy starring at the ocean: 400TX, Crusted earth: Ilford 50 ASA
– Printing paper: Ilford Warmtone Fiberbased
– Slightly tinted with curry powder

Honorable Mentions

Click on photo to enlarge and see more info.



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