Ektar 100 vs Lomography 100 – 35mm Film

Ektar 100 is often the go-to low ISO color negative film. It’s a very versatile professional grade film known for its fine grain and poppy saturated color, great for landscapes, portraiture, and pushes well. For an inexpensive alternative, consider Lomography 100. Below is an overview of how each compares on film grain, color and price.

Ektar 100 v Lomo 100

35mm Lomo 100 is a fine grain color negative film with more subtle tones and less contrast than the Ektar film. When juxtaposing the two, Ektar does have finer grain and better exposure latitude.Ektar-100-vs-Lomography-100-example-3

Ektar 100 v Lomo 100 COMPARING GRAIN


Ektar 100 v Lomo 100

When comparing color, both produce beautiful colors – Ektar 100 being more vibrant and Lomo 100 slightly muted. – it all comes down to preference.

Ektar 100 v Lomo 100 COLOR COMPARISON


Ektar 100 v Lomo 100

35mm color, 36 exposure rolls.

Ektar 100 is about $6.00.
Lomo 100 is about $3.30 (Per roll when you buy a 3-pack at around $9).

Buy film at Film Photography Project (Note: These are not affiliate links)
Buy Ektar 100
| Buy Lomo 100 3-pack

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